Interest Groups

Friends @ St Hilda’s Link is a great melting pot to find friends with common interest. Interest in a certain subject creates positive vibes and help groups grow stronger. Stronger groups build better communities.


Rummy-O Club

Rummy-O is a tile game is a mentally stimulating game where the seniors will learn and are encouraged to participate on a regular basis. These games also promote social interaction. Regular competitions will be held as part of the programme to keep the seniors motivated and challenged. It is held weekly on Tuesdays.


Singing Class

Every Wednesday, seniors come together to sing familiar tunes and hone their singing skills.


Zumba GOLD

Zumba is a latin-inspired dance-fitness program which involves dance and aerobic elements. Zumba GOLD is modified to suit the seniors which is held weekly on Fridays.


Gardening Club

Gardening activities are held every Saturday.

Our garden won the Silver Award during the Community in Bloom 2010 contest organised by National Parks.