Our Volunteers

Volunteerism remains at the heart of all we do. Without our volunteers, we will not be able to serve our residents effectively. Whilst the ‘Ang Sahs’ of St. Hilda’s remain the largest group of volunteers, the realities of shrinking numbers and an ageing profile has become more and more acute. It is noted that the average age of LoveCOPE Volunteers today is 50 against 40 ten years ago.

With this realization, plans were made to address volunteer issues and management. A programme was started by Pastor Tan Piah to recruit, train and induct new volunteers. The programme was handed over to Freddy Choo in January 2011 who joined the centre as Volunteers Programme Manager.

LoveCOPERS of St Hilda’s Church

About 180 registered and actively involved with tracking and helping at major events like Christmas High Tea and Chinese New Year. The Centre will actively engage with LoveCOPE volunteers through more written communication via the Church bulletin. Visits will be made to Cell groups to encourage participation. New activities will be presented to Cell group members to encourage regular and more active participation. 

LoveCOPE Sunday was held on 4 July 2010 and was followed by a lunch for LoveCOPE volunteers at the Eurasian restaurant. An encouraging message was delivered to the congregation by Mr Lim Biow Chuan, MP for Marine Parade GRC.

Student Volunteers

In addition to our regular partners, Tanjong Katong Secondary School & Meridian Junior College, we have now student volunteers from Dunman High School who have students working with the Care Team to provide handyman and cleaning services to elderly residents on a weekly basis.  Uniform groups from Dunman High are now seeking to work with the centre on special projects.

Resident Volunteers

An increasing catchment for volunteers are the residents in the estate who are able to contribute time and effort to serve their neighbours in need. Plans are made to reach out to recruit resident volunteers; again for specific activities. We are encouraged by  residents walking into the centre in recent months offering to serve as volunteers.