(Registered in the Republic of Singapore)
Of (address)
Being a member of ST HILDA’S COMMUNITY SERVICES CENTRE (SHCSC) hereby appoint the Chairman of the meeting: Vicar Martin Peter Jungnickel as my proxy, to Vote, Propose or Second for me on my behalf, at the 20th Annual General Meeting of the Charity to be held at the Virtual AGM via Zoom Conferencing on 22nd August 2.00 pm and at any adjournment thereof.
In regards to the Proposer and Seconder should there be more than one Proposer and Seconder for any of the Resolutions, the Chairman would have the discretion to pick any of the Proposers and Seconders for each of the Resolutions.
Under the Covid-19 ( Temporary Measures) Act 2020, any other Proxy appointment other than the Chairman of the meeting shall be deemed as for the Chairman of the meeting.
Please indicate with an “X” in the spaces provided whether you wish your vote(s) to be cast for, against or abstain for each of the Ordinary Resolutions as set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting. In the absence of any specific directions, the proxy will vote or abstain as he may think fit.
Please return this Proxy Form once you have filled in your votes to reach us by email not later than 20th August 12 pm. Proxies received later than 20th August 12 pm will be rejected and considered void. This Proxy Form serves as an instrument for your appointment of the Chairman of the AGM as your Proxy.
Resolution 1. To receive and confirm the minutes of the 19th AGM of the SHCSC held on 30th August 2020
Vote (Please vote with an ‘X’ next to your choice)
Resolution 2. To adopt the Audited Accounts for the financial year ended 31 March 2021
Resolution 3. To adopt and approve the Budget of the SHCSC for the financial year 2021/22
Resolution 4. To appoint Verity Partners as the Auditors of SHCSC
Resolution 5. To elect an Honorary Secretary for a term of 2 years
Madalina Lim Yin Yin
Resolution 6. To elect an Honorary Treasurer for a term of 2 years
Paul Tan Kok Huat
Resolution 7. To elect Board of Directors for a term of 2 years.
The following members have offered themselves for re-election and to be re-appointed as Board of Directors:
Janice Chua
Jeffery Cheng Chi Fai
Allyn Hum Yin Mei
Eileen Magnus
Lovie Ong (Chau Lee Wah)
David Soh Eng Hock
John Teo